Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Well, hello there!

My name's Anna and I'm from Austria. No, not Australia. Austria. We're not the ones with the kangaroos and we also don't have a sea, which would actually be great though. I just get that a lot from people from outside of Europe. 

Because this is my first post on this blog it's first of all gonna be pretty short and second of, I just wanted to talk about what I will be posting on here. 

I am a huge anime nerd, music lover, book worm and I love traveling, exploring other cultures and also their cuisines.
I will probably talk about my favourite anime, bands/singers, books and I will also talk about a lot of the countries I've been to or wanna go to. 

I might also review some of the anime I've seen or rant about some of them. Music-wise I'm open to almost everything. I've come to enjoy K-Pop,
J-Pop, J-Rock and also Alternative Rock the most, in the last few years.
I'm a huge fan of fantasy books and that's also the genre I prefer reading over anything else. (Which kind of fits with my zodiac sign, as pisces are said to be dreamers and fantasy fans.)

So if anything of this is of your interest, I would be happy to have you as my reader. 
